Today, Higgs & Johnson is pleased to announce that Mr. Sterling Harvey Cooke has been appointed the new Co-Managing Partner of the Firm, effective 1 January 2021. He will serve alongside current Co-Managing Partner, Oscar N. Johnson, Jr., who has provided leadership to the Firm since 2012. Surinder Deal, who proudly served as the Firm’s first female Co-Managing Partner, will be stepping down to become a Consultant with the Firm.
This appointment reflects Higgs & Johnson’s response to its continued growth and preparation for its further expansion. Mr. Cooke, who has spent his entire professional career with the Firm, has over 30 years of legal practice under his belt, and is the current Chairman of the Firm’s Real Estate & Development Practice Group. He has advised local and international real estate investors and lenders on a wide range of real estate matters, including mortgage loans and construction financing, loan acquisitions, and complex transactions involving the purchase, sale, refinancing, leasing and subleasing of a variety of real estate types. In addition, he is an experienced practitioner in the areas of Commercial Law, Probate and Estate Administration, Maritime Law and International Financing transactions involving Bahamian registered ships and companies.
As Co-Managing Partner, Mr. Cooke, together with Mr. Johnson, will oversee the day-to-day management of Higgs & Johnson, including all aspects of the Firm’s operations. Mr. Johnson commented, “It is with great pleasure that I welcome Sterling to the leadership ranks of Higgs & Johnson. His insight and wealth of experience have been and will continue to be of tremendous value to the Firm. His dedication and commitment to the core values of our Firm and our clients will prove to be invaluable, as together, we work to expand on the Firm’s long history of success, and guide this incredible Firm into the future.”
“I am extremely honored, grateful and privileged to have the opportunity to lead, alongside Oscar, an incredible group of dedicated and talented Partners, Associates and Staff” said Mr. Cooke. “As we look to the future, I am excited to build upon and strengthen the Firm’s strong commitment to capitalize on the creativity, energy and passion that working together creates, to conduct our practice in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity, to maximize the value of our services to our clients, to be meticulous in our attention to detail, and to relentlessly pursue delivery of outstanding results in everything we do.”
Higgs & Johnson provides clients with innovative, quality and proactive services, and continues to be recognized globally for excellence and integrity. The Firm remains committed to being a world-class, local and offshore provider of legal and professional services.